About Us

Leads Innovation at Home

Furndiy specializes in the design, development, and manufacturing of home improvement products and furniture accessories for end-users. Our primary mission at Furndiy is to create products that enhance people's lives at home. With the advantage of having a research and development facility and a versatile team, Furndiy can craft distinctive and innovative solutions for end-users.

Our Mission & Vision

Furndiy applies a humanistic and environmentally friendly approach to all its operations. Harmful components are strictly prohibited from the manufacturing process to ensure the health and well-being of Furndiy's employees, distributors, and end-users. Furndiy is committed to increasing the utilization of recyclable materials in its manufactured items.
We are deeply passionate about preserving the environment.

Practical, Effective, Innovative

DIY products empower end-users to utilize their own imagination and express their unique tastes. At Furndiy, we firmly believe that creativity, imagination, behavior analysis, and data-driven strategies will establish Furndiy as an essential component of our end-users' lives.